Tuesday, October 28, 2014


Coat - MinkPink (similar) | Top, Headband & Moon Ring - Gypsy Warrior | Shoes* (similar here and here) & Ring* - Forever21 | Leggings - Topshop (similar here and here) | Bag - Vivienne Westwood

 It feels so long since I've written a blog post that I'm not even sure what to write! I've taken a bit of time away from the internet with getting settled back into student life and I'm happier than ever.  I go through phases with blogging where sometimes I can't put my laptop down and others where I just don't feel inspired at all. I think it's important to take a step away from the internet and refocus sometimes. If blogging isn't coming from the heart or isn't 100% my standard I won't blog at all, which leaves me frustrated sometimes. Hopefully I'll get back into the spin of things and it'll be back to normal soon!
I shot these photos with my boyfriend on Sunday in Leamington, there's certain areas of it that remind me so much of London and I can almost pretend I'm back there. We spent the day rumaging through a vintage fair which came to town and I scored an amazing pair of handmade paisley shorts. Normally I'm that girl with her arms full but I just couldn't work my vintage magic. It's given me the bug back to start searching for vintage treasures again. We then headed to my favourite tearoom, Vinteas, for soup and green tea before heading home to watch a (completely legally downloaded) episode of American Horror Story Season 4. I've been so excited for Freak Show and it might be my favourite season yet. If you don't watch AHS you need to start, now! Unless you're scared of clowns...

What do you think of this outfit? 
Lydia Rose,
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Friday, October 17, 2014

Weight Loss: How I Lost 2 Stone On A Plant Based Diet

It's taken me a long time to decide whether or not to write this post. As someone who has battled with my weight throughout my life, I'm so conscious of the competition amongst girls when it comes to dieting. To make things clear, this is not one of those fad diet 'how to lose a stone in a week' blogs that you might find elsewhere. I'm writing this for people who feel inspired to alter their lifestyle in some way and make themselves healthier and happier. So, *Trigger Warning*, please do not read this is you're affected by food-talk, because this is what I'll be focusing on. I basically want to share with you how I've changed my lifestyle in the hope it might help people who may be feeling how I felt...

To get started, I'll give you a brief personal history. I am in no way unique when I say that I can't remember a time in my life when I've not struggled with my appearance. From the ages of 12-18 I was everything from a size 6 to bordering a 14 and back again. Although I never had a great relationship with my body, in college I was "okay" with being the chunkier one in my friendship group. It was far from self-love, but I had reached a state of acceptance that I was never going to be content with how I looked. If it came between a piece of pizza or feeling good in a pair of jeans, pizza would get my vote. Every time. But when I started Uni, I got further away from that state of "acceptance" than I could ever have anticipated. I used to eat a huge amount of white pasta, pizza, cheese, white bread, fizzy drinks, have about 3 teaspoons of sugar in tea, live off Doritos... Anything calorific you can think of, I had it. I didn't have the best Freshers experience for the first part of the year and definitely became a comfort eater. Not only was I extremely unhappy about my physical appearance but I felt terrible. No energy, headaches, bouts of depression, and no motivation. Suddenly I no longer could find that state of "acceptance" within myself. That girl who ate pizza without guilt died over night. I think that women are beautiful in all shapes and sizes, but no matter how hard I tried, suddenly that way of thinking didn't work when applied to myself. I felt sickened and disgusted with the girl in the mirror.

I wish I could say here that my journey with weight loss was easy and straight forward. But the truth is, weight loss is really, really hard. I used to worry for my friends who went on diets and feel frustrated that we lived in a world where women found the number on the scales synonymous with their self worth. Suddenly I became that woman, fretting over the scales and actually doing things like choosing a kale salad over pizza and getting water instead of coke. To be honest, I felt embarassed to calorie count, as though this disqualified me as a feminist. I didn't feel proud that I was giving into societal pressures to conform to a body type. I felt as though it had finally broke me. I'd given in.

Losing weight was what I had to do to learn how to love myself again and even though it makes me feel weak to say it, I feel like it needs to be said. Simply because I have these strong beliefs does not mean I'm somehow emotionally devoid to the consequences of a society which pressures women about their appearance. I think life is too short to go through it hating yourself. I used to take pity on my friends who dieted, not in a compassionate way, but in a "how awful it must be to have your low self-esteem" kind of way. I'm telling you, if you pass that off as compassion, feminism, sisterhood or being a good friend, then you're kidding yourself. Changing my life in this way took a lot of strength, and you should see it as such.

When I look at the comparison of the two images of myself I see a hell of a lot more than a weight difference. I firmly believe that the things we put in our bodies are a form of self-harm. I have made the conscious choice to nourish myself rather than fill my body with toxins and things it doesn't need. Which is where I get to the life transformation that adopting a plant-based diet has done for me. The guilt flushed away as I began to realise that I was taking my health into my own hands. It stopped being about how I looked and became a focus on my mental well being. It also made me feel so positive to be learning new recipes, teach myself about nutrition and start opening my mind. A year on, my energy, attitude and feelings towards myself have transformed, and changing what I eat has played a major role in that.

In Summer 2013, when I started this blog, I finally reached the point of 'things need to change'. I wanted to start a blog but everytime I even attempted to do outfit photos I couldn't stand how I looked, hence why my blog was so beauty focused in the beginning. I discovered 'DeliciouslyElla' which literally changed my attitude to food over night. She opened my eyes to the huge variety of healthier options out there and inspired me to embrace everything natural. Her blog is all about embracing a diet of pure, unprocessed, unrefined plant-based foods. If that sounds scary, believe me, it's not. Straight away, I pinned all of her recipes to my 'Food' board and spent hours scrolling through it in amazement of how many healthier alternatives there are out there. I realised that there was no need to be filling myself with processed foods when I could so easily make delicious, nourishing meals.  I can wholeheartedly say that Deliciously Ella's blog transformed my life and I can't recommend her recipes and philosophies enough. 

 I don't like labels when it comes to eating because most of the time they're more about holding up a false pretence of a trend than anything real.  Although a predominantly vegan diet is what works for me, pressuring yourself into eating that way 24/7 can be counter productive. I cut out meat completely as I was already vegetarian, dairy, all processed food and refined sugar.  People worry about these kinds of diets as they fear the criticism that comes with it. I'm not trying to make a point about veganism - the only point I can make is that eating plant-based meals has a huge amount of health benefits and allowed me to drop a stone in barely a month, without feeling remotely deprived. Craving chocolate? Avocado and cacao powder pudding. Carbs? A big bowl of sweet potato wedges, guac and salad. Seeing my transformation has made many people in my life try out my lifestyle and it's been amazing to see how the weight just dropped off and how much more excited they become about life as a consequence. I went from just short of 11 stone to 9.7 within 6 weeks whilst getting to eat food I loved and made me feel amazing. A year on and I'm maintaining a weight of 8.7-10lbs which I would call my "natural weight", which is what I truly believe this lifestyle does for people.

So where do you start? It's all about the baby steps. I'd say begin with a breakfast smoothie every day. There really is nothing better than kicking off your day with a breakfast smoothie. If you're worried about the price of fruit, I usually buy a batch of blueberries and bananas and freeze them. I then add almond milk, honey, oats and sprinkle chia seeds on top - delicious! The oats mean that it's more like having a meal rather than a drink. There are endless combinations of smoothies and they are all amazing.

Every week I will buy a large bag of sweet potatos, kale, carrots, cherry tomatos, avocados, mushrooms, onions, apples, strawberries and bananas. The meal combinations with these foods are endless. Most people worry about the expense of healthy eating, but I can usually do a full food shop in £20 a week. Check out Morrissons vegetable section - it's by far the cheapest. As for staples, I always have apple cider vinegar, lime and lemon for seasoning salads, raisins, sunflower seeds, sea salt, almond milk, quinoa, lentils and tahini to go with hummus and make amazing salad dressings. The first thing you need to know is that literally anything with the word 'healthy' on it in a supermarket is probably terrible. The further you get away from processed foods, the better. Make things yourself and they will taste better, probably be cheaper in the long run and the effects they'll have on you is just priceless.

It has taken a lot for me to write this blog post. I have had this sitting in draft for months, not quite sure how to articulate it and worried, for the first time, about the response a post I'd written might have. My only reason for sharing this is because I hope that it might reach out to someone and maybe encourage them to reconsider their health in some way. Whether that's going fully fledged plant-based or simply incorporating more fruit and vegetables into your diet, the information is out there and we should all be in control of what we're putting into our bodies. So, as you might have guessed, you can expect a lot more posts like this coming on my blog. I'm now going to be introducing a Health & Wellness category where I'll be sharing healthy meal ideas and recipes. In the mean time, follow me on Instagram @LydiaRoseSmyth as I share lots of healthy meals on there!

What are your thoughts? Have you ever considered a plant-based vegan diet? Is this something you could try? Have you ever struggled to diet and keep a healthy frame of mind? Is there anything else you'd like to know about it or see on my blog?
Lydia Rose,

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Wednesday, October 15, 2014


Swatches; MAC Rebel, Too Faced Melted in 'Melted Violet'*, Models Own Lip Crayon*

Aaah, Autumn. Really, what's not to love?! Chunky knits, getting away with a beanie everyday and being overly hyped for Halloween. Yep. I'm pumpkin spicing everything and wasting too much time on Pinterest browsing Halloween DIYs. I just love Autumn. So to add that wintery feel back to my make up, I've been digging out my favourite purple lip shades. I'm the kind of girl who goes for a bold lip all year round.  But even if you're not really that brave with make-up, purple lips are just a winner for everyone. Whether you're going for the less daring raspberry shades or all out with brights, there's something so pretty and autumnal about a purple lip. Here are my favourites...

 MAC Rebel Lipstick (Satin) -  Ah, Rebel. Unless you've been living under a rock, then you'll know that Rebel is always the beauty blogger buzzword around this time of year. It's possibly one of the most loved MAC lip shades of all time - and definitely with good reason. It's a deep fuschia berry shade which just seems to compliment everyone. It teeters on that mid-point between vampy and goth. For me, a vampy lip is classy, wearable and doesn't wash you out, so Rebel ticks all of my boxes. The semi-matte finish is something to love, too. It's not too drying on the lips and has a pretty shimmer running through it. Love love love!

Too Faced Melted 'Melted Violet' Long Wear Lipstick -  This is one that the lovely girls at Company Magazine popped in my goodie bag at the end of my internship, and I've been in love with it ever since. I have never got on with glosses. This has an unusual formula because it has the texture of a gloss but packs the pigmentation of a lipstain. The wear time is crazy and somehow it feels incredibly light on your lips as long as you don't overapply. I can't not mention the applicator which at first was a serious turn off. The slanted, velvet tip of the applicator makes the product really easy to apply and avoids the gloopy mess you'd make otherwise.  So if you want a bright, in your face purple then this is definitely one to try.

Models Own Lip Crayon* -  I picked out this lip shade from the Model's Own x F21 range in a recent collaboration with Forever21 to match the witchy dress I wore. Models Own have always got my vote for nail varnishes but I'd never tried their make-up range before. They didn't disappoint, the lip crayon is a buttery, pretty purple that isn't OTT and is so easy to glide on when you feel like going for a bolder lip. I haven't tried out the NARS lip crayons but I'd imagine that this would make a good dupe. The lasting power isn't on par with the Too Faced and MAC but for a half the price at £5.99 you really can't fault it!

What's your favourite purple lip product? Have you tried any of these?
Lydia Rose,
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Monday, October 13, 2014


If there's something a lot of bloggers seem to struggle with, it's with being a perfectionist.  Anyone who strives to create good content is a creative and being a creative means that you take pride in everything you do and are constantly pushing yourself to be better. This isn't only in blogging but in every aspect of life. It goes a lot further than wiping your memory card because the batch wasn't "perfect" enough, it affects every move we make, and seeps into every aspect of our lives. I'd go as far to say that my perfectionism inhibits my every day life, and it's pretty damn sad.
I've just started my final year at University and I'm more positive than ever. My blog has taken a back seat whilst I've been getting settled in and it's helped to clear my head and refocus my direction. I've reflected on where I've gone wrong in this section of my life and I'm determined to put it behind me to be happier this year.  Being a perfectionist does have its perks. But sometimes we're so focused on being in control of everything that we eventually buckle under the pressure so that life goes the other way. I'm making a vouch to be kinder to myself - to stop putting myself under so much unnecessary pressure and to focus on being happy. Soif you're not being kind to yourself, it's time to start. I'm starting to take those baby steps and thought I'd share them with you... 


Comparing yourself to others is the biggest inhibitor to your own progress. One of my friends told me the quote, 'Bitterness imprisons life' and it's one that has rung true throughout my life. Being bitter about other peoples' success is so detrimental to your own happiness. I think it's important to be able to say 'I'm happy for you' and mean it. Run your own race. Be proud of what you're doing and achieving and focus on you


Being spontaneous is fun. Think about the times you've said 'yes' to something that was outside of your comfort zone, where has it led to? The bigger the risk that you take, the more you open yourself up for something amazing to happen. For me, moving in with a group of strangers has been the best thing I've done for myself since starting University. It's easy to get stuck in a social rut where we only associate with the same few people and never try anything new. I used to only be comfortable hanging out with someone with mutual friends and it took me a while to realise how dumb that is. The times I've said 'yes' and risked a potentially awkward situation, I've normally come out with a new friend. In first year, I would never have been confidence to pop up to someone I don't really know that well on Facebook and say, 'Hey, wanna go for coffee?' Yet these days, I'm making tons of new friends by just being a little bit more assertive. Be open to new things, don't shut yourself up and be willing to say yes.


If there's something people don't talk about enough it's mental health. Some days I let things get ahead of me and think 'well, these are the cards I've been dealt with'. Feeling like you don't have control over your own mental health leaves you hopeless and scared. I'm a firm believer that you create your own universe. We have bad days, it's natural. But you are in control of your own reality and your own happiness and that's something I will not let any diagnosis take away from me. Some days I just wake up on the wrong side of the bed and it feels hopeless trying to pull myself out of that place. But simple things, like an extra 20 minutes to get up and get going, a mug of herbal tea, eating breakfast outside, make a huge difference to your overall day. Take the little measures to be happy and the time you need.


Who isn't guilty of procrastinating?! If you've ever felt down, stressed or like nothing's going your way then nothing feels more unachievable than a to-do list of things you don't want to do. The amount of times I've procrastinated something small and ended up with a massive, self-inflicted mess is just too many. Make your to-do list reasonable and have a set plan in your mind. It's about making things easier for yourself, not harder.


Whatever you're going through, it gets better. And it might feel like the worst thing right now, but ask yourself, how much of it will really matter in 5 years? I kind of feel like Yoga Jones from Orange Is The New Black rambling on about life, "Everything is temporary", but it really is true. I try not to get too pent up about the things I haven't done and start focusing more on the things I'm doing.

So those are my first steps to being kinder myself! Are you a perfectionist? How do you stay positive?
Lydia Rose,

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Wednesday, October 1, 2014


Kimono | Playsuit | Heels c/o Forever21 

Wow, I have been a lousy blogger for the past week or so! I've just moved to Uni to start my final year and I am feeling so positive. My new house mates are all so lovely and I definitely think this year will be a way happier one than last year. With all of the stress of packing and running a million errands a day my blog has taken a back seat. I shot this outfit for my collaboration with Forever21 a while ago but have had so many outfit posts to get through lately. If you're in the UK, then you'll know that we've been experiencing this really strange Indian summer. I'm craving crisp October, rainy nights and wrapping up in a fur coat... Yet we still have bare legs and kimono weather. WTF? Anyway, I'm absolutely in love with this kimono and playsuit combination. The playsuit is crazily cheap at just £11.50 and is just so pretty on.  I think it will be a great transitional piece for A/W as burgundy is one of my favourite colours right now.
This is the second installment of my collaboration with Forever21 to create outfit posts inspired by the new Models Own range, now stocked by F21. I'm in love with all of the summer colours, and I guess we can still wear them in this Indian summer!

What do you think of this outfit?
Lydia Rose,

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