Wednesday, October 1, 2014


Kimono | Playsuit | Heels c/o Forever21 

Wow, I have been a lousy blogger for the past week or so! I've just moved to Uni to start my final year and I am feeling so positive. My new house mates are all so lovely and I definitely think this year will be a way happier one than last year. With all of the stress of packing and running a million errands a day my blog has taken a back seat. I shot this outfit for my collaboration with Forever21 a while ago but have had so many outfit posts to get through lately. If you're in the UK, then you'll know that we've been experiencing this really strange Indian summer. I'm craving crisp October, rainy nights and wrapping up in a fur coat... Yet we still have bare legs and kimono weather. WTF? Anyway, I'm absolutely in love with this kimono and playsuit combination. The playsuit is crazily cheap at just £11.50 and is just so pretty on.  I think it will be a great transitional piece for A/W as burgundy is one of my favourite colours right now.
This is the second installment of my collaboration with Forever21 to create outfit posts inspired by the new Models Own range, now stocked by F21. I'm in love with all of the summer colours, and I guess we can still wear them in this Indian summer!

What do you think of this outfit?
Lydia Rose,

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