Thursday, April 23, 2015

EVENT | Oasis x Keds Launch In Birmingham

Last week I was invited by Oasis to attend the launch of their exclusive Oasis x Keds trainer line. Launching up and down the country, Oasis created a real buzz for the first look at the new line. So on Thursday I was up bright and early and headed over to the Birmingham store for breakfast with Oasis and to see the new collection... 
Okay - I'm not usually a trainer kinda girl, you'll always see me in at least a 3 inch pair of heeled boots. But I thought I'd embrace the chance to try out something new and go a bit out of my comfort zone. I love that each pair has its own personality and print - there's the lace up, 'Perfectionist' with crisp blue stripes, leopard print 'Style Hunter', dreamy floral print 'English Rose' and the bright, summery 'Jetsetter'. There's only 4 designs but somehow still a trainer that seems to suit everyone.
Bloggers and press were invited to view the collection  and despite the early wake-up call everyone was super bright and friendly. We sipped some fresh orange juice, chatted away and of course, talked shoes...
As the blogger chosen to wear the Jetsetter, I picked up my Keds and to my surprise, and instantly fell in love! Whilst trainers aren't my usual choice, everyone needs a pair of comfy slip ons in their wardrobe and I definitely have found a new love for flats. I didn't sway too far from my personal style with this pink duster jacket*, simple white top* and ripped jeans* from Oasis. I'm obsessed with dusters at the minute and this pink one is definitely going to be one of my summer staples.
Overall I had a lovely morning, thank you to Oasis for inviting me!
You can shop the collection here.

 Would you wear these? What do you think of this outfit? 
Lydia Rose, 

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

NEW IN | Bourjous Aqua Laque Lipsticks

Bourjois Rouge Edition Aqua Laque Lipsticks* L-R, Babe Idole, Brun'Croyable, Feeling Reddy

Prepare for some serious swooning, because Bourjois have just launched a new lipstick line-up. I always love a new Bourjois launch, so when these landed on my door step I was super excited to give them a whirl!

Aqua Laque is the latest addition to Bourjois' 'Rouge Edition' liquid lipstick range. Last year the Rouge Edition Velvet lipsticks were one of my favourite launches. With their velvety matte finishes and gorgeous shades, they definitely took up a prized spot in my make-up storage and set the bar high. But the Aqua Laque range is on the other end of the lipstick scale. Set to 'break all the rules', the watery formula and high shine finish teeters somewhere between a stain and a gloss.

But don't let the "gloss" word put you off. These aren't the uber shiny, low pigmentation and sticky nightmares you might have tried in the past. Liquid lipsticks are something that just shouldn't work, but somehow, they really, really do. When I first applied them, I made the mistake of whacking it on like your standard creamy lipstick formula. But the liquid can definitely be over done and it's best to apply a little bit of the product then smudge out to leave more of a stain. As a girl who usually prefers mattes, I'm really liking these lipsticks for all-day, no-budge, summer shades.

Unlike the heavier matte finish of the Velvet range, the Aqua Laque is a super light-weight formula that makes you forget you're even wearing lipstick. They last for a good three hours but fade out to a stain so your lips always have a little bit of colour.  With an 8 shade strong range, there's a shade that everyone will love, spanning right from girly pinks to killer reds.  The shades I have are 'Babe Idole' a gorgeous baby pink, 'Brun'Croyable', a classy brown shade with the right amount of red, and 'Feeling Reddy', the perfect fire truck red.

Overall, these lipsticks tick all my boxes and I can definitely see them becoming my go-to for summery lipsticks. Now just let me wear 'Babe Idole' with a Pina Colada on a beach somewhere and we're good to go...

Have you tried these? What do you think of Bourjois' lipsticks?
Lydia Rose,

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Monday, April 20, 2015

65 Instagram Post Ideas

After how well my 100 Blog Post Ideas went down, I thought I'd do an Instagram version! Here's some ideas if you're not sure what to post...

1. A selfie
2. Bedroom details
3. From Where I Stand (above shot of your outfit)
4. Accessory details
5. #OOTD
6. Healthy recipe
7. Flay lay of your make-up that day
8. New beauty purchases
9. Your favourite perfumes
10. Your dressing table
11. Make-up storage
12. What's in your make up bag?
13. Favourite lipsticks
14. Favourite eyeshadow palettes
15. Make up brushes you use everyday
16. Healthy breakfast
17. Starbucks with your name on (how generic)
18. Your work space
19. Watching netflix in bed? Do a cute pinteresty photo
20. Your pet
21. Your favourite blushes
23. A relatable quote
24. #NOTD (Nails of the Day)
25. Skincare line-up
26. Drugstore dupes for high end products
27. Favourite stationary, notebooks etc
28. Share one of your favourite accounts
29. Breakfast smoothie
30. Visiting a new city? Take a street photo
31. A pretty photo from Pinterest
32. A mini haul
33. Cocktails
34. Your favourite book(s)
35. Throwback to an old photo
36. Coffee or your coffee table
37. Shoes, shoes, shoes. Instagram loves shoes.
38. A travel photo of your train tickets / passport etc
39. Your sunday morning
40. Healthy snack idea
41. Homeware purchases
42. A make-up counter Benefit, NARS, etc)
43. Top picks from a make-up brand
44. A photo of a new hairstyle you've tried
45. A dreamy holiday destination you've been to / would want to go to
46. Your pamper evening
47. Favourite base products
48. Top MAC lipsticks
49. Weekend brunch / afternoon tea
50. Bought something with pretty packaging? Take a photo of the bag it came in (Selfridges, Mulberry etc)
51. Your night out make-up
52. Work out gear
53. Body / Hair / Make Up outfit inspo
54. A pretty candle
55. The jewelry you're wearing
56. Favourite face masks
57. The front cover of a new magazine on your desk
58. Your nails holding the nail varnish you've used
59. A beauty blogging event you've recently attended + goodie bag
60. London
61. 5 products you couldn't live without
62. Something indulgent - cakes / cookies / hot chocolate/ waffles etc
63. A monthly make-up box you're subscribed to
64. Your favourite coat
65. A cosy in bed blogging photo

So there you go, 65 ideas for when you're in an Instagram rut! Did this help? What are your favourite Instagram accounts and what photos do you like to see?
Lydia Rose,

ps you can follow me on Instagram here

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Monday, April 13, 2015

The Red Lipstick That Every Woman Needs

MAC Russian Red

If there's one make-up mantra that I go by,  it's to never underestimate the power of red lipstick. Having one on hand has been a life saver on the many occassions where I've been in need of a serious confidence boost. There's something about a red lip that can take you from binge watching Friends in bed to full on power woman ready to kick life in the ass.
 I've loved red lipstick since discovering Courtney Love, aged 14, when I first embarked on my teenage exploitation of inappropriate make-up choices. Nothing screams teenage rebellion than a bold red lip, right? Despite red being my favourite lipstick colour, when it comes to my favourites, the stash is pretty small. There's plenty that haven't made the cut - but some contenders are the NARS 'Short Circuit' plus an array of the budget Kate Moss x Rimmel shades.
But did you guess the red in question? Of course, it's MAC'S 'Russian Red', a firm beauty blogger favourite and the perfect step to a classic Marilyn red. With its creamy matte finish and blue undertone, it seems to suit every skin tone, making it an easy and classy shade to wear.

What's your favourite red lipstick?
Lydia Rose,

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Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Hair Growth Tips That Actually Work

We all want the secret to mermaid hair, right? Well, I've learnt a great deal about hair loss and growth in the past year or so. 2014 was the year of the hair disaster for me. I think I spent about 3/4 of it wearing a hat and the other 1/4 without a hat worrying about how my hair looked. My hair has always been my comfort blanket - so after a period of stress where it came out in clumps, an over layered haircut and bad bleach job, it felt as though I didn't have any of my hair left. When I finally had inches taken off, it seemed that the hair Gods hadn't quite had their fun and threw me some more bad luck.
I made the mistake of leaving in a dry shampoo that was full of metallic salts before getting my roots done. Short version of a long story: the dye sped up, snapped off a huge chunk of the back and left section of my hair, and from there began my hair misery. I tried to joke about it by saying at least my fringe didn't drop off, but humour aside, it sucked. Like really, really, REALLY sucked. Moral of the story? DO NOT GET YOUR HAIR DYED WITH ANY PRODUCTS IN IT, EVER.
Fast forward 9 months, the growth has been excruciatingly slow and I've learnt the sad reality that there is no magic potion on the high street that is going to make your hair grow.
But don't lose faith yet! If I had known a few things beforehand, I would definitely have been able to speed up the process. There are a heap of things you can do to keep your hair in its best condition and encourage growth. Here's what I've learnt after 12 months of hair disasters...

Start With Your Nutrition
What we nourish ourselves with on the inside shows on the outside. If your nutrition isn't great, it will show through your hair. As someone who doesn't eat meat or dairy, it's easy to think you're being healthy whilst actually letting your iron, protein and calcium levels drop, but this can be true for meat eaters too! A lot of us are lacking in essential nutrients like iron or B12. These days I plan what I eat around getting enough iron because it's not only essential for healthy hair but the general running of your body.  I have a green smoothie in the morning with a huge handful of spinach or kale which is loaded with calcium, iron and B vitamins with a spoonful of chia seeds which is also really high in nutrients. I also eat healthy fats like avocados and nuts, use tahini for salad dressings and in hummus, and add cacao to porridge, smoothies and vegan desserts. Yep, that's chocolate that's good for your body and hair, say whaaat?!

Wash it Less and Avoid Using Heat
Okay, I'll let you in on my secret. My hair has never been in better condition than when I went 5 days a week without washing it or using any heat products and wearing a beanie everyday for a few months. Gross? Yep. But did it work? Massively.
Obviously not everyone can be the secret greaseball that I was, but if you want to get your hair back in condition, washing it everyday and loading it up with heavy products is NOT going to make that happen. When your hair is a damaged, using heat is a vicious cycle. You find yourself needing to blow dry it for the volume and heat style it to keep the frizz away. Embracing your natural hair is hard when 1) you already hate it and 2) the condition is making it look terrible. But if you're like me and find it really hard to let your hair dry naturally, a product I'd recommend is the OGX Biotin & Collagen Amplifying Lotion*. I apply this all over my hair and blow it upside down for about 2 minutes and then blow dry my fringe with a Lee Stafford Barrel Brush just to give volume whilst mostly avoiding heat.
If you struggle with frizzy and damaged ends which just call out 'straighten me' then it's really hard to stay away from heat. I've been loving the Lee Stafford's Ubuntu Oils range for smoothing out my hair so that I don't have to straighten out the frizz. My miracle product right now is the Lee Stafford Moisturising Blow Dry Smoothee*. Since using this post-wash I have noticed a huge difference in the overall look and feel of the ends of my hair. Although its designed as a blow dry product, it works miracles on your hair when you let it to dry naturally so that it doesn't frizz up. It seals the cuticles and is loaded with moisturising vitamins and really does work magic.

B12 / Iron / Vitamin D/  Biotin Supplements 
Going back to nutrition, if I could go back in time and hand myself a heap of supplements to take last year, I would. I've stuck to a routine of taking all of these vitamins and supplements everyday and over the past month and a half is when I've really noticed a change in my hair. B12, Iron and Vitamin D deficiencies can all contribute to hair loss, along with anxiety, fatigue, depression and a whole other heap of nasty stuff. As I've been taking Biotin along with all of these, it's hard to say whether it's Biotin that has been making the difference, but given the rave reviews I think it's worth giving a go.

General Haircare
I've come to the conclusion that there is not really a shampoo and conditioner combination on the market that I truly believe works wonders. But three products I always invest in are; a good intensive conditioner, detangling spray and hair oil. I've been going back to the Redken Deep Intensive Conditioner for years, it's loaded up with proteins to repair the hair cuticle and always leaves my hair feeling amazing. I only use it once a week, though, as too much protein sucks the moisture out of your hair and makes it more prone to breakage. My go-to detangler is currently the Breaking Hair Detangling Spray* by Lee Stafford - I just can't get enough of Lee Stafford at the moment and this makes brushing my hair when it's wet so much easier. I always use a tangle teezer and start from the bottoms of my hair and gently brush upwards. As for hair oils, I swear by the Keraste Elixir Ultime* which does everything you'd want from an oil, a pre-shampoo treatment for super coarse hair, a blow dry product to tame frizz and a finishing serum to smooth out dry ends. But of course, nothing beats Moroccan Oil, I love the Glimmer Shine Spray for finishing off my hair.

So there you have my main tips, but the main things I've learnt is eat heaps of spinach, use no heat and take your supplements! 
What are your tips for hair growth?

Lydia Rose,

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Thursday, April 2, 2015

100 Blog Post Ideas For When You Have Writer's Block

1. Today's Make-Up 
2. 5 Products I Can't Live Without 
3. Products I Always Repurchase 
4. The Blogger Made Me Buy It... 
5. Outfit of The Day 
6. Current Favourite Accessories
7. Top 5 Lipsticks 
8. Drug Store Vs High End Products - Which Does It Better? 
9. Top Make-Up Brushes 
10. Share your Favourite Recipe 
11. Bedroom Details 
12. What's on Your Mind? 
13. A reflective post on blogging
14. Share your tips / advice on something you know a lot about
15. Do a round up of your favourite bloggers
16. Share your wishlist
17. Tell us your favourite restaurants in a city that you've recently been to 
18. Make a playlist of your favourite songs
19. DIY something and give step by step instructions on how to make it
20. Take photos of your blogging space and show us how you style it - desk essentials, favourite stationary, we want to see it
21. MAKE UP STORAGE. Everyone loves make-up storage
22. Talk us through your current skincare routine
23. What products made you fall in love with make-up? 
24. What's in My Bag? 
25. Have you ever been through something in life then overcome it? Tell your story
26. Going out? Do a 'Get Ready With Me' post
27. Know something about SEO? Share your tips and tricks. 
28. Are you into homeware? Tell us where you shop. 
29. Make-up Tutorial 
30. Favourite Pinterest Accounts 
31. What's on my Iphone? 
32. 10 Facts About Yourself 
33. Favourite Instagram Accounts 
34. Share Your Blogging Tips / Tricks 
35. A Seasonal Inspired Make-Up Look 
36. Tell us about a make-up dupe you've found 
37. Getting into healthy eating? Tell us how you stay motivated
38. Give advice on the industry you work in 
39. 5 Quick and Healthy Breakfast Ideas 
40. 10 Ideas for Instagram Posts 
41. Hair care Routine 
42. Having a pamper night? Talk us through the products you use. 
43. Empty Products 
44. Save or Splurge? (Products you invest in and products you don't) 
45. Why You Started Blogging 
46. Tell us about an awesome opportunity you've got through blogging 
47. What Blogging Means to You 
48. Guest Post 
49. Giveaway 
50. Where You Find Inspiration 
51. Handbag Essentials 
52. Products Not Worth The Hype 
53. A post on body image or beauty standards 
54. Tips for Hair Growth or Clear Skin 
55. Favourite smoothie recipe 
56. Have a cute pet? Share photos, stories, etc etc
57. Nails of The Day 
58. How to use Social Media to Promote Your Blog 
59. A Life Hack 
60. No Heat Hair Tutorial
61. Review Coconut Oil as a Beauty Product 
62. Favourite Etsy Shops 
63. An Event You've Recently Been To 
64. Top Products from a Brand 
65. Interview Another Blogger 
66. How To Get a Good Night's Sleep 
67. How To Deal with Exam Stress 
68. Tips for Time Management
69. A Review of a Product You Bought Recently 
70. Things You Do in Your Downtime 
71. Things That Make You Happy 
72. A Round Up Of Your Favourite Palettes
73. Healthy Snack Ideas 
74. Photography Tips 
75. Blogging on a Budget 
76. Your Creative Process 
77. A No Makeup Makeup Look
78. Free Blogger Template
79. Try a New Make-Up Look - i.e a red lip if you're a nudes kinda gal, etc 
80. Products To Take on Holiday 
81. Beach/ Poolside Beauty 
82. Monthly Favourites 
83. Charity Shop / Thrift Store Finds 
84. Your University Experience 
85. Do an FAQ 
86. A Haul 
87. Things You Wish You Knew about Blogging Sooner 
88. Make Up Advice You'd Give Your Teenage Self
89. Tips on Avoiding a Bad Hair Cut / Dye 
90. 15 Minute Make Up 
91. Trends You Currently Love 
92. Trend Predictions - Trends Worth Investing In / Ones To Avoid 
93. Tips For Looking More Awake (Beauty Hacks) 
94. Full Face of High End Make-Up VS Low End - Can You Spot the Difference? 
95. Bedroom / Office Tour 
96. Bucket List 
97. Your Blogging Goals 
98. Work Out Beauty / Wear 
99. Advice on Being a Blogger Boyfriends / Girlfriend 
100. Work Out Routine 

So there you have it! I hope some of these inspired you! 
Lydia Rose,

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