Thursday, September 17, 2015

Deichmann x Hanneli Mustaparta

Fashion, for me, has always been about telling a story. When words fail, our clothes can speak volumes about who we are, what inspires us, and how we’re feeling.  What I love about the new Deichmann x Hanneli Mustaparta collection is that there is a pair of shoes to match which ever character you feel like being that day. Hanneli's unique, super chic and eclectic style has shaped a collection which allows you to explore new fashion identities. If you feel like walking in the shoes of a romantic in court heels, blurring gender boundaries in brogues or stomping in a pair of statement boots, there’s a shoe for you.
Through fashion, we can become who we want to be. It’s a way of saying I’m here, I’m present, and this is who I am. After all, fashion is a game of dress up, and isn’t recreating ourselves all part of the fun?
I was so excited to receive a pair of the shoes from the collection to style up. For this blog post, I reached back to my inner teenage rebel to write a fashion story about the days of smokey eyes and breaking all the rules.
It all started with a love affair with a pair of combat boots...

If the boot fits, I'm walking, and I'll be doing it in my Deichmanns. 
Which style fits you? What shoe makes your statement?
Shop and see the new collection here.

Lydia Rose,

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