Sunday, June 29, 2014


Some of you may already know from my unashamed Twitter flailing that I bagged at internship at Company Magazine. I've just finished up my first week and have LOVED it. I will be doing weekly updates throughout the month, as they're my most requested posts (ever), but first I thought I'd start with how to get an internship in the first place. So here's my advice...


Anyone looking to get into journalism already knows that it is a tough industry to break. Like, soul destroyingly tough. There are a lot of people looking for internships so you really need to get the attention of the journalist you are writing to. You really can't just roll out a formulaic cover letter and expect to hold anyone's attention. Make the first paragraph of your cover letter count. Don't waffle on about yourself straight away, tell them how amazing their magazine is and what separates it from others in the industry. The cover letters I wrote in my own voice were the only ones which got any attention. They want to see genuine enthusiasm for the magazine so don't be afraid to tell them how much you love it. My main tip? Start thinking about it early. I've been incredibly lucky to go to my favourite magazine first, but that isn't the case for most people, so you need to familiarise yourself with what's out there. Do monthly magazine runs and get to grips with the main writers, styles, features etc of the magazines you think you'll write to so you know the publication inside out before applying.


Networking is that word that gets everyone hyperventilating but it is so important.  As a huge fan of Company anyway, I already follow most of the writers there on Twitter and tweet them often. Obviously this doesn't mean shameless stalking - if you love an article they've written, let them know, etc. Following your favourite journos on Twitter means that as soon as they put up a tweet looking for interns, you'll be one of the first to reply. Plus, they might remember your profile picture from those few times you've messaged them... Always a plus!


A huge part of a journalist's job is spent getting information. That makes them experts at online stalking. If they are considering your application the first thing they are going to want to do is find out more about you. After all, they might end up sat on a desk with you for a month. Make a Google search of your name something they will remember for the right reasons. I've read from various journalists that they rarely take aspiring writers seriously if they don't have a blog. A blog is a great online portfolio and shows that you have a genuine passion for writing. You're already doing part of a journalist's job if you can build your own audience and write interesting content. Magazines are really starting to involve bloggers in their content, too, so it's a great way to get noticed and build contacts within the industry.


The "you need experience before you get experience cycle" is pretty vicious, but luckily in journalism, this one is actually quite easy to break. Do not under estimate the your local newspaper! Normally they are more than happy to take on students and are obviously far more accessible than major publications. I made sure to learn as much as I could, say yes to everything and show enough enthusiasm to get multiple articles in the paper. I've also stayed in touch with the Editor of my local Features section who has been incredibly supportive and helpful! It is a great way to try out different areas and get really hands on whilst building up a small portfolio. Student newspapers are also really valuable experience, and on most application forms they will expect you to be able to demonstrate your interest and enthusiasm through things like Uni societies / writing for online websites. You need some kinds of hands on experience before walking into a major magazine / newspaper so be prepared to start small.


Journalists are incredibly busy. If they open your e-mail, it's luck. If they open your e-mail and actually reply without you having to hassle them a little bit, that's verging on a miracle. Don't be rude but don't be afraid to follow up. Some people say that using Twitter for this is unprofessional but that is something you will have to judge based on that individual and their publication. Twitter is much easier than e-mails and journalists are far more likely to reply to a tweet than 1 out of the 50,000 e-mails they receive daily. My final minor tip would be if you aren't already checking GoThinkBig everyday, where a lot of magazines advertise for interns - start now! Keep applying, don't get down and be prepared for rejection. It will pay off in the end!

I hope you find some of these pointers helpful and if you're interested in career posts make sure you check back as over the next few weeks as I'll be posting weekly on my Company internship! 

Lydia Rose,

Thursday, June 26, 2014


Giraffe print co-ord & mules* Missguided 

I teamed up with Missguided to do to a Get Ready With Me post and had so much fun shooting it! They kindly sent me an outfit to wear, so I picked out this giraffe print co-ord that I've had my eye on and paired it with mules. This is something I wore to a garden party with my friends last week. One of my best friends has just started working in a bar so we've been embracing her new talent for making uhhhmazing strawberry daiquiris. I kept it simple with this outfit: give me a bold print and pair of badass shoes and I'm good to go. Mules didn't win me over instantly but I thought I'd go for something out of my comfort zone and haven't looked back. I'm all for ugly shoes, and mules just shouldn't be cool, but they work somehow. I love the buckle detail as they toughen up the trend rather than making you feel like a walking Zara mannequin.
Sorry that my blog has taken a back seat over the past week. You'd think that I wouldn't be able to leave my blog alone after winning the Company award, right? I'm actually interning there now so have had a lot going on getting settled in London and into the swing of a 9-5. I'm loving the London life and am having so much fun working at my all time favourite magazine. But my blog will be back to normal from now on. I have lots lined up and will hopefully be posting what I'm wearing to my internship! 

It's always fun to try out something new! Did you like this post? Would you wear mules?
Lydia Rose,

Tuesday, June 24, 2014


Dress - Missguided* | Shoes - Jeffrey Campbell Soirees | Clutch - Brooklyn Thrift Shop Find

On Wednesday I set off for London for the event we've all been counting down the days to, the Company Magazine Style Blogger Awards. I'm sure most of you know by now that I am a huge fan of Company. It's been my favourite magazine for years and I really admire what they stand for. It was such an honour to be shortlisted and I was really quite overwhelmed to have reached the top ten in my category. I went with absolutely no expectations and if I'm telling you the truth, it never even crossed my mind that I might actually win. I know that sounds ridiculous as I was there with the purpose of having been shortlisted. But really. My arms were full, my concentration wasn't even 100%, and I was feeling a little bit sorry for the people who were going to have to hike up the stairs in their sky high heels. So when my name was read out and blog came up on that huge screen, I was in shock for a good 3 seconds too long. I think I would've carried on standing there with my mouth open if it wasn't for the lovely Stylingo girls who more or less had to take everything out of my arms and shove me up on the stage. 

It really is such an overwhelming feeling to be recognised for such a huge award and I spent most of the night walking around the event feeling like I was having an out of body experience. I've never won much besides an Easter egg decorating competition so this was a totally new feeling for me! I remember reading Company's Twitter feed last year as the winners were announced and feeling so excited and happy for my favourite bloggers. I never imagined that in under 12 months I would be the one winning. It's so amazing to think that so many of you out there took the time to vote for my little blog and I really can't thank you all enough. My phone was blowing up with messages and new followers (thanks for the shoutout, Company ;)) and I was so overwhelmed by your support - it reminded me how incredible it is to be a part of this community of such inspiring and supportive girls.

So now that all of the gushing is out of the way, let's get onto the event.  I got ready in my lovely hotel room in Covent Garden which the Travelodge kindly provided as part of their #GetUpAndGo campaign. Travelodges are always my go to for accommodation as they are much more reasonably priced than other hotels. I would definitely stay there again! It was a lovely spacious room, comfy bed and everything you'd expect from a Travelodge, so thank you so much to them for the stay. My dress was sent to me by Missguided which I loved and I paired it with my Jeffrey Campbell Soirees and clutch that I found in a thirft store in Brooklyn. I met up with my blogging friends Lauren and Claire from Stylingo who I already knew as we went out for dinner a few weeks back, along with some new faces, Leanne, Hannah, Megan, Charlotte, Abbie and Atoosa. We had a few drinks at the Queen of Hoxton on the rooftop bar (cue foundation slowly melting off my face) before grabbing a taxi to the Oval Space. It was a lovely, chilled out event with an outdoor BBQ, ice cream and lots of cocktails. Inside there was lots going on, a Missguided festival fashion section, Lee Stafford doing hair and a nail bar. 

Winning this award has really motivated me to be the best I can be and to keep improving my blog. I've barely been doing this for 10 months, and being 19, I still feel like I haven't even completely figured blogging out just yet. There's nothing like a trophy on your desk to kick you into producing the best content. I've been a little bit absent the past month with my exams but I have a lot of posts scheduled for July which I've been working hard on in the past week to make sure I have content going up throughout my internship at Company. With my 50mm lens and being in London I feel like there's nothing holding my back for some awesome outfit posts, too, so stay tuned for those! 

So, THANK YOU ALL (for the millionth time), and Missguided and Company for organising such an incredible evening! 
Lydia Rose,

Monday, June 16, 2014


Eye Print Dress - Romwe* | Mint Skirt - Primark | Sunglasses - ASOS| Platforms - Chicwish
I am so excited to upload these outfit photos as they're shot with my brand new 50mm lens which is just amazing! Blogging has really refuelled my love for photography. I've always found the blurry backgrounds on other fashion blogs so dreamy and am so happy that I finally took the plunge and bought one, it's definitely worth it. I've been loving layering patterned dresses with statement skirts lately. Eye print is a pattern I've just become obsessed with and since missing out on that Zara print dress (sheds tear) this felt like a decent alternative. I had to layer this as sadly a lot of Romwe's pieces come up quite short so bare that in mind if you order as I'm only 5'5!
I've been making the most of being at home and have actually been working really hard on my blog even though I haven't posted all week. I've got a schedule going for July and am nearly ready to go to upload most days - yay! I took these photos after going out for Lunch with my best friends on Sunday. We had such a lovely weekend and it's so great that everyone's home from Uni for a few months now. After a night out we were craving soup and vegan organic cakes from a tea room (so wild, right?) but we missed the Sunday opening times and ended up with fajitas and chips. We tried. Really, we did.
Do you like these photos? What do you think of my new lens? Did you do anything fun this weekend? 
Lydia Rose,

Photography by Abbi Beach

Monday, June 9, 2014

Missguided White Two Piece

Missguided Two Piece | Chicwish Platforms *

This is the first time I've sat down and wrote a post without feeling the guilt of knowing I should be doing something else. Second year is over and I am so happy to be free from Uni stress, it really gets the better of me and has taken over my life for the past few months. I've taken a slightly different attitude to Uni in the past few weeks; I've always strived to be exceptional in everything but lately I've been thinking, what's the point? Would you rather have a 2:1 and enjoy life a little more or a first which burns you into the ground? I'm not really sure what I've been trying to prove but given how much these past few months have affected me... I'm kinda over it now. Whatever my grade is I'm okay with it, there's more to life than percentages and essays. Something I've always known but seem to get wrapped up in this time of the year.
I am SO ready for the next few months to fill with everything that actually makes me happy! In a few weeks I'm off to Company Magazine and really couldn't be more excited. I have a lot of plans for my blog, too, which I'll finally have more time for and really want to improve in the next couple of weeks!
Anyway, onto what you're here for, the clothes. Lately I've been loving white and I'm obsessed with this two piece from Missguided. I have no idea how it comes across but on the day I took these I felt like this two piece was channelling Lana Del Rey, even though I couldn't really put my finger on why, but my friends pointed it out too. Weird. I always listen to her in the summer, her music is so chilled out, everything you want in a summer sound track.

What are your plans for summer? Would you wear this?
Lydia Rose,

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

MAC Paintpot 'Let Me Pop' | Review

MAC 'Let Me Pop' Pro Long Wear Paint Pot - £15.00

It feels like forever since I sat down to write a beauty review. I love creating for my fashion content for my blog but I have missed sitting down and having a good ramble about make up. I just thought I'd share one of my favourite MAC purchases at the minute, the Let Me Pop Paint Pot. Now that the hotter weather is coming around I'm having a problem with make-up melting off my face. Yep, not cute. My new Urban Decay Setting Spray is what's seriously working its magic for that problem, but that's for next week.
I've always liked the ideas of paint pots for a creamy base that helps to really bring the shimmer in your eyeshadow to life all whilst acting as a primer. This definitely ticks those boxes! Let Me Pop is a sheer yet frosty light copper that looks dreamy with 'Woodwinked' blended out into the crease. It brings out the colour in beige/ browny tones beautifully and helps to make sure that your eyeshadow sticks throughout the day. It also looks so pretty when worn alone for a done, yet un-done, make up look. A little brown liner and mascara with this and I'm good to go.
I'm seriously in love with this little pot and would definitely recommend it to anyone looking for a long lasting cream shadow. I've worn this so many times and haven't even made a dent in the pot, so in terms of value for money, it is definitely a worth while purchase!

Do you own any MAC paint pots? Would you try this?
Lydia Rose,