Monday, January 19, 2015

WHAT I WORE | I Wish I Was An Olsen Twin

The Olsens will forever be my icons. Swathed in layers of black fabric, ripped jeans, too many accessories and that effortless bohemian grunge aesthetic, the Olsens just get it right. I wish I was an Olsen twin... Don't we all?
I wore this outfit for a day of shopping and Thai food with my favourite London girl, Lizzie. I made a pact to only surround myself with people who don't bring me down this year and Lizzie is definitely one of those kinds of girls. Once you cut the energy vampires out of your life, you feel like you can do anything. Hanging out with Lizzie has reminded me of how I felt when I was interning in fashion in London last summer and made me realise how I need to get that motivation back. I'm a firm believer in the laws of attraction and that we make our own realities. I guess it's time to start practising what I preach... 

This outfit is all from Pretty Little Thing, I had a rampage of their website last week and bought so many pretty things. Definitely one of my new favourite websites! The t-shirt is only a fiver, too. Bargain.

What do you think of this outfit? 
Lydia Rose,

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