Sunday, October 18, 2015

Cinnamon Apple Oatmeal (Healthy + Vegan)

When it comes to Autumnal breakfasts, oatmeal gets my vote, every time. I eat it everyday without fail and could probably eat it for breakfast, lunch and dinner with no regrets. Lately I've been obsessed with this cinnamon, stewed apple and sultana combination. It's sweet, filling, and the cinnamon adds the warmth we crave on cold mornings. Plus, it's super easy, only contains a few ingredients and can be whipped up quickly before you leave the house. If you're super busy, just make it the night before and there you have your perfectly Instagramable overnight oats. Who said healthy breakfasts had to be hard?

 1 Apple
1 Handful of Sultanas
 Sweetener (I used date syrup but agave/ honey tastes amazing too)
Chia seeds (optional)
 Almond Milk

 In a small saucepan, pour in your diced apples, cover with almond milk, then add your sweetener and a tablespoon of cinnamon. Put on a lid and leave to simmer for about 5 minutes or until you have deliciously stewed apples. Be sure to check occassionally so that the apples don't burn.
While the apples cook, get making your oats. Add as many as you want (I usually go for around 50g), cover with almond milk and add cinnamon and the sultanas. My trick for perfect oats is to stir, stir, stir whilst adding more and more milk as you go. Once they reach the consistency you like, pour over the stewed apples and add your toppings. I never skip out on a tablespoon full of chia seeds for a nutrition kick. Frozen berries taste amazing stirred in and crumbled nuts will give that apple-pie like crunch.

Will you be trying this? What's your favourite Autumnal breakfast?
Lydia Rose,
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PS Enter my giveaway to win tickets to The Clothes Show here 

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