Saturday, May 10, 2014


As I'm sure you're all aware, the Company Magazine Style Blogger Awards Shortlist went up yesterday. I was lucky enough to be shortlisted in the top ten blogs for the Best Personal Style Newcomers category! I remember these awards coming around last year before I had started blogging and having a look through the shortlists. Never did I expect a year later that my blog would be up there! It is totally surreal and so exciting. I am incredibly grateful to everyone who voted for me!
I am over the moon to be shortlisted, but if you'd like to nominate me to win, please vote my blog in the Best Newcomer category here. If you don't want to vote in the rest of the categories, simply skip through and enter your e-mail address at the end.
The Cosmopolitan Blog Awards are also running this month, and I would love for you to nominate me for Next's Best Newcomer, too! Only if you think I deserve it, of course.

Thank you so much to everyone who voted. If you vote again in either of these categories please let me know so I can thank you! If you're running for an award feel free to let me know too, I'd love to help support you.

Lydia Rose,
Don't forget to enter my giveaway

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