Monday, May 5, 2014


This time last year I was falling more and more in love with blogs. I wanted to set up my own little space on the internet so badly but just couldn't get the confidence to start. I was thinking, will anyone read it? Am I interesting enough? Why would anyone be interested in what I have to say?
I finally got it together and wrote my first post in August and haven't looked back since. Starting up my blog in the summer of 2013, I was incredibly down on myself. My first year at uni wasn't what I wanted it to be, I felt demotivated, uninspired and generally unhappy with the direction of my life. I wanted to be a journalist but had no experience whatsoever. Besides good grades, I was doing nothing productive with my life and was pretty miserable.
A blog gives you something to show for yourself, something to productively pour yourself into and offers an amazing way to engage with people. It has become a lot more than a shiny addition to my CV or merely a hobby. Having a positive outlet has worked wonders for my confidence and has made me so much happier. It is such a privilege to have people reading your posts and sharing things with you along the way. The blogging community has been so welcoming and supportive; I feel part of an amazing girl gang who motivate me to be the best I can be.
Safe to say, if you told me this time last year that I'd be writing to over 1,500 people, I wouldn't have believed it. Numbers aren't everything; that figure might mean a lot or nothing to some. But I am so humbled by how much my blog has grown in a short period.
Ramblings aside, it would literally mean the world if you nominated my blog for a Best Newcomer award. If you enjoy reading my blog and think it's deserved, please nominate here. '(Best Newcomer' is supported by Next so will redirect you to their site). I didn't feel my blog necessarily fell in with the category of 'Best New Beauty Blog', as my posts aren't all beauty focused, but if you think it does you can also nominate me in that category here.

If you stick in a nomination, thank you so so much, and thank you for reading and supporting my blog!
Lydia Rose,
ps. don't forget to enter my giveaway to win a Benefit gift set here 

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