Sunday, August 30, 2015

How To Overcome Blogger Envy

In the time that I've been blogging, I've seen it all; the good, the bad, and the not so pretty.  I love blogging and being apart of a community, which for the most part, is so incredible and supportive. But I wanted to talk a little about jealousy and how to handle it, whether you feel it yourself or suffer the backlash from others. Girls are taught to compete with each other from birth. Just think how many times that you've heard "she loves herself" used as the biggest insult? Secondly, as bloggers, we are constantly putting aspects of our lives on the internet for others to speculate about. People talk. People judge. And perhaps the worst, people assume. We only offer facets of ourselves on social media and it's easy to piece someone together by their perfections whilst leaving out everything in between. 

Nobody can deny that the nature of blogging has changed rapidly over the past 2 years. I remember reading blogs that were written by the everyday girl in her bedroom.  Remember the days of a Boots haul with a webcam selfie and fuzzy lighting? It was the simplicity of it all that pulled me in. But nobody really wants to read about the girl in her bedroom anymore. They want perfectly focused images, with the perfect white backdrop and insanely high standard editorial content.  In caring a little too much about this editorial standard I feel that we might lose some of our realism, which is what drew me away from unrealistic glossy magazines to blogging in the first place. Bloggers and Youtubers are the new breed of celebrity and it's crazy to think that what began for most as an innocent online escape has become one of the most influential forms of media on the planet.

Given these huge success stories and high standards, it's extremely easy to get jealous. I think most of us would be lying if we said that we don't all crave that online recognition. I'm not going to deny that running my blog full time from a perfect white bedroom stocked with pink peonies wouldn't be the dream. But I think I need to get back to being that girl in her bedroom a little bit more to remind myself of why I started my blog in the first place. These are some of my tips on avoiding jealousy and encouraging a more positive blogging community:

Don't feel pressured to conform to a certain layout, way of taking photos, and writing style. When you write in your own voice you become a lot more comfortable with what makes your blog "original". Find what makes you different and embrace it.  The chances are that the times you try to write for the Popular page on Bloglovin, it will be a flop. Once you become comfortable with YOU, your style, your "niche", everything falls into place.

Blogging can get pretty self centred and egotistical. Taking the time to really interact with other bloggers by commenting and showing support is soimportant. If you're leaving comments because you want them back, people will know. You can tell from a mile off when someone comments simply because they want you to look at their blog and comment back. Don't be that blogger! Get involved, show the love.

Everyone started from the bottom and it takes a long time to hit 1,000, never mind 10,000 followers. Don't allow your follower count to become a defining factor in your existence. Calling yourself a "small blogger", for that reason, is totally counterproductive. Be proud of what you have achieved and don't play it down.

Blogging should be something you do to escape the pressures of everyday life, not one of those pressures themselves! Remember why you started and have fun. Unless this is your full time job, does it really matter if you forget to schedule a post? Don't suck the fun out of what's supposed to be a hobby.

Self-confidence doesn't happen over night and I personally believe that it's a myth that anyone is 100% secure in themselves. Society constantly pits women against one another and is determined to tear us apart by our imperfections. The only way to overcome this is for women to make the conscious decision to hold each other up. Rather than allowing jealousy to consume you, let it fuel you to be the person you want to be. Being mean and catty on the internet is NEVER the answer for soothing low self esteem or a bruised ego.

So, that's my two cents! I want to end this on a note of positivity. There's always going to be negativity in blogging, but that doesn't mean you have to get sucked into it. If it's just you and your laptop vs the world, what are you achieving?

What are your thoughts? How do you feel more positive about yourself and your blog? Do you ever give in to the green eyed monster? 

Lydia Rose,

Follow on Bloglovin


PS Don't forget to enter my giveaway to win a diamond dust infused Nicky Clarke hair straightener here

Thursday, August 27, 2015

Skin Saviours

Beauty blogger confession #1: I am super lazy with skincare.  You won't find an impressive skincare stash in my beauty drawers, I'd much rather spend my money on make-up instead. Being honest, I don't really believe in 99% of skincare claims. My resolution this year was to get into something I can call a "skincare routine" - and I've actually done pretty well with keeping it up. When you have mostly "normal skin" minus some pesky blackheads (ick) and dry patches, it's easy to not put the time into giving your skin the love it needs. But since using this line-up of products, my skin is so much more glowy and healthy. So here are the ones I'm reaching for lately...

First up is the Origins Zero Oil Deep Pore Cleanser. I've never been disappointed with an Origins product. I love that they use natural ingredients and feel safe knowing I'm not putting any unnecessary chemicals on my skin. With its combination of Saw Palmetto for keeping oiliness at bay and mint, this cleanser leaves your skin feeling incredibly clean and refreshed. I definitely notice a difference in blackheads when using this regularly. It's a cleanser and exfoliator in one as the salyclic acid gently exfoliates dead skin cells away, too, which is always a plus!

As for toners, the Pixi Glow Tonic is one of my holy grails.  If you're a regular reader of beauty blogs, then you'll probably have seen all of the rave reviews on this.Whilst a lot of toners are packed full of alcohol which removes your skin's natural protective barrier, the main glow tonic ingredients are aloe vera and ginseng, making it an incredibly gentle product. It is an exfoliating toner, so not only wipes away the excess dirt and make-up left over after cleansing, but the 5% glycolic acid helps to remove dead skin cells for plumper and brighter skin. This is a product I never miss out.

When it comes to moisturiser, I love light-weight, gel products that sink in quickly. This Ultimate Hydra Perfection* moisturiser by Racinne ticks all my boxes as it's light but still hydrating. When my skin needs a bit of extra help, the Gentle Refining Scrub Mask* is perfect for scrubbing away dry patches and leaving your skin more radiant.

Face oils are a product you can easily skip out and see as unnecessary, but this one from Radiance Face Oil by Balance Me* is one of the dreamiest skincare products I've used, ever. A lot of people tend to be scared of oils, but with 100% natural ingredients, this is a little elixir in a bottle. I apply this once a week (or when I remember) before going to sleep and wake up with radiant and glowing skin.  For those mornings where you just can't deal with life, an eye gel can be a god send. I'm in love with this Puff Off Gel by Benefit*, with its little novelty iron applicator, it's amazing for cooling and soothing beneath the eyes

Phew! So that's my skincare line-up. What are you loving at the moment? Have you tried any of these?
Lydia Rose,

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Palettes I Use Everyday

When it comes to make-up palettes, I'm a self-confessed hoarder. I love ones that have the do-it-all shades that you can throw in your cosmetic bag and know you're sorted with a make-up menu that fits any occasion.  I've filtered down the ones I use every day (okay, most days) - from contour, to brows, to a good range of blushes. So these are the ones always within grabbing distance...

Ah, the NAKED Basics. Everyone needs a good neutrals palette in their life. Don't under estimate the importance of some seemingly boring, neutral shades. With this, you have everything you need for a 2-minute eye look. 'Faint' is the perfect matte brown brow shade that stays put all day for simple understated brows. 'Naked 2' and 'Faint' combined together make a super quick brown smokey eye when you're on limited time. As for the white shades, you have 'Venus' to highlight inner corners, 'WOS' for the perfect matte base, and 'Foxy' with the right amount of yellow-under tone to subtly highlight the brow bone. Wack a tiny bit of 'Crave' in the outer V and you've got yourself the perfect everyday neutral eye.

I haven't stopped gushing over the Too Faced 'Cocoa Contour Kit', and for good reason. This palette really is the best multi purpose contouring product, ever.  A matte setting powder, perfect contour shades, bronzer and super pigmented highlight - I'm in love. This is a new firm favourite in my make-up routine. Full review here.

You didn't really think I could filter these down to just one contouring product, did you?  I talk about the Charlotte Tilbury 'Film Star Bronze & Glow' all the time on my blog - with its dreamy packaging, buttery bronzer and champagne gold highlight, this is a contouring dream team.  If you want your cheekbones to look chiseled and highlighted to perfection, this is the one. Full review here.

Last but not least-loved is the NARS Virtual Domination Palette. This is a limited edition palette so that I'm so glad I got my hands on.  This packs in some of NARS best seller blushes, including 'Deep Throat' along with the cult 'Laguna' bronzer. NARS is my go-to for blushes, and I absolutely love the range in this palette.

What palettes do you use everyday? Do you have any of these?
Lydia Rose,

Sunday, August 23, 2015

How To Fall Back In Love With Your Blog

When you fall out of love with your blog, sometimes it feels like you'll never get that love back. Blogging has given me so many positives and opportunities and is something I'm so passionate about. But there are many reasons why we might fall out of love with blogging. For me, it was having to take a huge chunk of time off for my final year at University. After months away, it felt like I was never going to fall back in love with my blog which had always been my outlet and hobby. If you've fallen out of love with your blog, here's some ways to get back to normal...

Reflect on your most popular content 
Have a look through your archives and take some time to reflect. What has received the most views or had the most engagements? Look for the positives in your posts, what are you proud of, the writing? Photography? Unique idea?  Reflecting on your own posts will remind you how far you've come in your blogging journey and may give you the reboot needed to be inspired again.

Connect with other bloggers 
Blogging is a community and one that feels amazing to be apart of. Getting re-connected with other bloggers stops it from feeling overwhelming and even lonely.  The weekly #bbloggers chats on Wednesdays and Sundays are what helped me to grow my blog when I first started. Joining in on a few recently reminded me how much I love the community and miss being connected with the blogging world.

Change things up 
Think of your blog like a bedroom, sometimes it takes moving things around a little bit to feel like it's brand new. Your blog is a creative space which you have absolute control over, so giving it a little refresh can sometimes be just what you need. This can be anything from changing up your weekly features, creating a new photography style or getting a new blog design.

Make things easier for yourself 
Blogging can be incredibly time consuming, so when you're not feeling the love, avoid setting yourself massive tasks. Think pragmatically about how you can make your blogging process easier for yourself. I've done this by stressing less about including photos of make-up applied in a post. I can do simple product photos in 5 minutes, but the process of applying make-up and getting a good selfie can take forever. Sometimes it's something so simple that can making blogging much more enjoyable and easy.

Have you ever fallen out of love with blogging? What do you do to get re-inspired?
Lydia Rose,

Thursday, August 20, 2015

Things I Wish I Knew About Hair Loss (Before It Fell Out)

We've had some rough times, my hair and I. When my hair started to thin dramatically, I did a huge amount of things wrong. So these are the things I wish I knew about hair loss, before it all fell out...

Dramatic weight loss can be a factor 
It took me a long time to make the connection between dramatic weightloss and undereating with why my hair was thinning. Dramatic weightloss can be a "shock" to the body and cause physical trauma that may cause your hair to thin. Not only did I lose about two stone, but I had quite an unhealthy relationship with food and was undereating. Of course this might not be the case for everyone, but if you are looking to lose weight, eating enough to nourish your body and doing it slowly is always the best way.

Smothering your hair in products is not the answer
So your hair is falling out, what do you do? If you're anything like me, when desperation strikes, online shopping calls. I spent a ridiculous amount of money on deep conditioners and moisturising products which weighed my hair down. I always thought that the more expensive or more products I used, the better my hair would be. WRONG. Before even blow drying, I would go through a detangler, hair oil, smoothing cream, a volumising product, heat spray and sometimes even a leave in conditioner, then once dry there would be even oils! If this sounds like you, then stop now. The best thing you can do for thin, lack-lustre hair is to use as little products as possible. A few months ago I discovered WEN which has absolutely changed my life and which I will be reviewing more in depth very soon. It's a cleansing shampoo which doesn't lather and has stripped my hair of all the built up residue, leaving it feeling and looking more like my old hair. Besides a heat protector and some moroccan oil I use nothing on my hair and it's the best condition it's been in a long time.

You're going to have to find a way to make it work, without heat
Hair loss is extremely upsetting, but you have to find a way to make it work.  Daily heat is never the answer and there are plenty of hair styles you can try so that you don't have to style it. Whilst investing in a good set of hair extensions helped my confidence, I wore them everyday which of course did my hair no good. My answer was a beanie all winter and wearing my hair in a messy bun and trying to only style my hair when either totally necessary or if I was going out. It'll take a few months but your hair will thank you for it.

Being unhappy won't make it grow back faster - in fact, it'll do the opposite
How our hair looks has a huge impact on our self confidence. I allowed it to completely consume my life, damage my self-esteem and limit my happiness. Focusing on your mental and physical health is extremely important if you're losing your hair. You can't always minimise stress, but you can find ways to manage it. I was so unhappy that I found it hard to get into a routine or stay on top of daily life, which of course, makes you more stressed and more unhappy.  Don't allow your hair loss to take over your life or be another stress factor that may contribute to it falling out in the first place. The best thing I did was buy an agenda, get organised, and start going to the gym. Focus your energy on doing the things that make you happy and know that it will grow back with some time and patience.

Have you ever lost your hair?
Lydia Rose,

Wednesday, August 19, 2015


Nicky Clarke Diamond Shine Straightener*  £57.99

If you've been reading my blog for a while now, then you'll know that I am a girl who has had her fair share of hair disasters.  When it comes to heat tools we all have to be extremely careful with the products we use to make sure we're not doing excessive damage to our hair. I've recently been testing out the Nicky Clarke Diamond Shine Straightener* and have been seriously impressed. Nicky Clarke have also kindly teamed up with me to give one away, so make sure you enter via the Rafflecopter below!
So what's the deal with the "diamond shine"? The ceramic plates have real diamond dust ground into them to ensure an extremely hard surface which not only minimises damage but gives a super glossy finish. Whilst straighteners I've used in the past have felt rough on my hair, these plates are incredibly gentle, leaving it straight without the roughness and snagging. I tend to only use heat on my hair a few times a week and do feel like these leave my hair in better condition than my GHDs, mainly from how gentle the plates are. At first I thought these straighteners may be a gimmick, but they are without a doubt the best I've used.
What makes them a winner for me is the adjustable heat setting. There's 5 settings to choose from and I always opt for as low as possible to minimise damage. After a few months of using them, I could never go back to my standard straighteners which gave no control over how much heat I'm using! It really makes such a huge difference to the overall condition of your hair.
Another factor which is extremely important for me is the auto-shut off. We can all relate to the anxiety of leaving your straighteners switched on after you've left the house, but with these you can be comforted that they shut off after an hour. So overall, the straighteners are everything you could ask for. It comes with all the expected practicalities and features, and the classy packaging with inlaid diamante and rose gold accents is a blogger's dream! I've really loved using this product and would definitely recommend to anyone looking to buy a new hair straightener.

To win one for yourself, enter here!
a Rafflecopter giveawayLydia Rose,

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

The Charlotte Tilbury Nude Lip

Sexy Sienna & Pillow Talk 

Given that I confessed my undying love for Charlotte Tilbury in this post last week, you won't be surprised to see another product up for review here on LydiaRoseXO. The Charlotte Tilbury 'Matte Revolution' range has to be some of my favourite lipsticks that I've tried. With their unique geometric shape, these lipsticks are easy to apply with the squared off bullet and creamy formula. They sit like a balm on the lip whilst still giving that beautiful matte finish.
The nude lip has been the ultimate blogger buzz word since the Kylie Jenner craze blew up. I tried to love MAC's 'Velvet Teddy' and failed, hard, as it just seems to wash me out. 'Sexy Sienna' is a gorgeous golden coral which I'm way more in love with. It's been my whack on and go shade all summer, not just for the easy to wear shade but for the longevity. The creamy formula means no messy application and lasts for hours without drying. The product is enriched with orchid extract for its hydrating properties, so no crusty matte lips here!
On top of that, whilst some matte lipsticks can flatten your lips (I'm looking at you, Velvet Teddy) this range has 3D glowing pigments which you can definitely see when applied. Okay, you might be sceptical of something which claims to give a '3D effect', but I have to say, I think it works! As someone who tends to feel boring with a nude lip, 'Sexy Sienna' is the total opposite to dull, dimensionless nude lipsticks I've tried in the past. When lined with the lip cheat in 'Pillow Talk', the ultimate your-lips-but-better shade, you have the perfect nude lip combination. You can go as understated or as overstated as you like, but a poutier, plumper lip without forking out for lip injections? Yes please.
I'm seriously in love with this range and definitely want some more Charlotte Tilbury lipsticks for my vanity table. Glastonberry is next on my list!

What's your favourite nude lip combination?
Lydia Rose,

Sunday, August 16, 2015

Easy Steps For Healthier Eating

Tips for Healthier Eating

As a girl who used to live off pizza, macaroni cheese and doritos, I know how hard making the move to healthier eating can be. Two years ago I was overweight, miserable and had extremely low self-esteem and body issues. Moving to healthier eating hasn't only changed how I physically look, but how I feel about myself, my energy and outlook on life. Rather than starve yourself or go on skinny tea detoxes (or ahem, laxatives), healthy eating can start with easy baby steps. Here are my top ones:

Embrace plantbased wholefoods
The plantbased community has taken over in the past couple of years, not only because this lifestyle works but because there is now an overwhelming amount of scientific studies proving that a plantbased diet is optimal for health. When you hear plantbased, this means filling your diet with fruits, vegetables, wholegrains, legumes, and no animal products. Clean eating is an extremely debatable topic and usually consists of high fat, high protein and low carb. This often leads to people depriving themselves of carbs which are essential for our energy whilst loading up on animal products that are high in cholestoral and fat. Every body is different but I have personally found this lifestyle works for me as I've never felt like I'm on a diet. On a plantbased lifestyle you can eat as much as you like, have the energy to do your work outs and get over restrictive tendencies. So yes, you can eat rice, potatoes, and pasta and lose weight. If you don't believe me, check out @essenaoneill @bonnyrebecca and @tessbegg on Instagram for some inspiration.

Plan ahead and make time to cook
Healthy eating really doesn't need to be hard or time consuming, but you will definitely succumb to junk food if you're not prepared in advance. The main tip is to never allow yourself to get to the point of being starving so that you're forced to eat something processed and unhealthy. Easy ways to get around this are to batch cook - so if you're making quinoa, make a huge batch so you have some left over for salads throughout the week. It's important to always have healthy snacks, so I always have some medjool dates with me wherever I go. Yum. I always have homemade hummus or guacamole in the fridge to dip veggies in, too.

Cut fizzy drinks for green tea
The first change I ever made in my diet was cutting out Coke. Refined sugar is the devil, and drinking a can of soda is extremely unhealthy and also harmful to our bodies. If you're someone who loads up your tea with sugar and milk, you might want to consider switching to green tea which has a huge amount of health benefits.

Find healthy versions of your favourite foods
Eating healthily does not have to mean depriving yourself of what you love. The most important thing is to find healthy versions of your favourite recipes. So if you're someone who loves chinese take-away, learn how to make a stir fry with soy sauce and sauteed veggies. Or if you're worried about giving up indulgent chocolate desserts, try things like Deliciously Ella's Sweet Potato Brownies or Avocado Chocolate Mousse. One of my favourite things in life now is Banana Nicecream which is frozen bananas blended with a tiny bit of water. Try it, it will change your life.

Be patient 
It does take time, but once you make a lifestyle change, filling your body up with junk loses its appeal. Because the Western diet is so processed, our palettes are conditioned to only really taste, oil, salt and sugar. Once I dropped these from my diet and transitioned to a wholefoods lifestyle, I began to taste when something is deep fried or covered in salt, and realise how sick it makes me feel. If you're not someone who "loves" healthy food, have patience because over time your taste buds will change and once it happens you'll appreciate the nuances of taste in real food over processed.

Finally, focus on your health first 
If I could go back in time to when I first started to lose weight, focusing on my health above my apperance is the piece of advice I would give. For such a long time I would starve myself on extremely low calorie diets, to go back to bingeing on extremely unhealthy food, and of course putting all the weight back on. Even when I transitioned to a plantbased lifestyle, the rhetoric that "carbs will make you fat" was so deeply ingrained that even though I thought I was being healthy, I was still starving myself. It's only been in the past couple of months that I've started going to the gym and losing my obsession with the scales to focusing on how I feel physically and mentally. Of course, you can go on a 10 day juice detox, pay a huge amount of money to starve yourself and be miserable, and see instant results. But is losing 7lbs in 2 weeks really worth it when you'll put it all back on again and be even more unhappy than when you started? Focus on your health first and make the changes in your lifestyle to lose weight long term.

So there's my advice! Do you have any tips for healthier eating? 
Lydia Rose,

Friday, August 14, 2015

The Base I Always Come Back To

When it comes to make-up, I have to mix things up a bit. I have my staple products that I know work, and even though I'll stray for a while, they're the ones I always come back to. Foundation is so important to get right, and what looks good on your favourite beauty Youtuber might just not look good on you. Regardless of whether it's in a pretty bottle or a hyped up new release, *sobs*. Once you've got your foundation BFF, you've got to stick together. You know what I'm saying?

For me it's always been NARS Sheer Glow in 'Gobi'. What I love about this range is that for girls like me who still resemble Casper even in the summer time, NARS have the perfect colours to accommodate. Where 'Mont Blanc' is ultra pale, 'Gobi' just has the right amount of a yellow undertone to give a glow to my pale skin. I can't speak for the other colours, but from what I've read, NARS shades get a unanimous thumbs up.

So onto the finish. This isn't a heavy duty foundation, so definitely not one for those looking to cover acne or break outs. But if you're skin isn't too troublesome, Sheer Glow has a buildable medium coverage that ticks all of my foundation boxes. Despite the misleading title, it's not actually sheer at all, but teetering on the mid point of a matte and glowy finish. There's no arguing that this foundation gives a flawless base, without the heavy and cakey feeling of a high coverage foundation.

Of course, I couldn't leave out the NARS Radiant Creamy Concealer. What I love about this product is that it's a concealer and highlighter in one, and actually does both things perfectly, unlike a lot of concealers I've tried. I absolutely love the finish of this when applied as a V-shape under my eyes to conceal dark circles and highlight my face. I always go for the lightest colour 'Chantily' which is perfect for highlighting.

What is the base that you always come back to? Have you tried these?
Lydia Rose,

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Top 5 From Charlotte Tilbury

Here's the part where I try to justify my exorbitant array of Charlotte Tilbury purchases, and here's the part where I fail. Phew. Now that's over, let's just say that we all deserve a little bit of luxury in our lives. And of course, nothing soothes the soul like doing some damage to your bank account at the Charlotte Tilbury counter, right? Right.

Charlotte Tilbury has stolen my heart this year, so here's my top 5 must-haves so far...

It all started with the the Filmstar Bronze & Glow, a Christmas gift card purchase, this highlighting and bronzing duo is a contour lover's dream team. With a buttery bronzer on the left, and the perfect champagne gold shimmer on the right, you just can't go wrong. Nothing says high end like the signature rose gold packaging, but this product really does have the formula to match.

Next up is my first ever Beach Stick purchase in Es Vedra. A twist up colour stick, this shade isn't one I would usually pick, but looks beautiful applied to the apples of the cheeks.  Described as a 'mystic sunset coral', it gives a gorgeous dewy finish that fakes a holiday glow. What I love about the beach sticks is that they double up as a lip colour, too, for a brave hot pepper red.

As for lipsticks, I am obsessed with the Matte Revolution range for the creamy formulas and ultra pigmented shades. With the square bullet, these lipsticks apply like a dream without dehydrating the lips. Lost Cherry is a really unusual fuschia shade, a cherry red-pink, it feels incredibly classy to wear and makes a statement without being a typical postbox red. For the perfect nude lip, I'm in love with Sexy Sienna as brown-toned nudes have never worked on me. Inspired by Sienna Miller, it's a beautiful golden coral that looks perfect with bronzed skin.  Of course, I could not leave out the Lip Cheat in 'Pillow Talk', perhaps the most loved lip-liner in the beauty blogger world. This really is a your lips but better shade that does everything you'd want in a lip liner, allowing the right amount of definition to the lip without going too Kylie Jenner.

Are you in love with Charlotte Tilbury? What are your favourites?
Lydia Rose,

Sunday, August 9, 2015

A Dreamy Spa Day | North Lakes Hotel

 When I was contacted by the luxury North Lakes Hotel to review their newly opened spa, it was an offer I just couldn't refuse! Nothing says perfection to me like a day of complete relaxation. It was the perfect chance for a much overdue mother and daughter day, too. My mum's best friend and her daughter - who is also one of my longest friends - decided to come along. Your mum, best friend, and a spa treatment is just a winning combination, right?  So off we headed to Penrith for a day of pampering...
 After soaking in the beautiful, scenic views of the Lake District leading up to Penrith, we arrived at the hotel which instantly had a warm and welcoming feeling. With its gorgeous wooden beams, it felt as though were were stepping into a classic country house.  The facilities of the spa are brand new and have everything you could ask for. With a huge swimming pool, sauna and jacuzzi, and a fully equipped gym, we were really impressed.  There was even virtual spinning on offer complete with a virtual instructor on a projector, so you could come and do the class at your own pace. We were taken into the spa relaxation lounge where we sipped on herbal teas before filling out our lunch choices for the day. The lady who looked after us was so friendly and accommodating and made sure that my awkward vegan food choices were catered for, which is always a huge plus.
 Next we were taken upstairs to the spa area, where there was a peaceful relaxation room with comfy recliners. The perfect place to just sit, read and empty your mind. There were also refreshments on hand throughout the day - fresh fruit, granola bars and yogurt parfaits were later replaced with more indulgent treats in the afternoon. We slipped into our complimentary fluffy robes and slippers then headed down to the pool for a few hours before our treatments. Along with the welcome area downstairs, you were free to come and go from this room throughout this day as you pleased.

I struggled to get a photo of the pool for privacy reasons, but trust me, it was something special. With its ambient blue lighting and towering arched roof, the pool definitely makes the hotel. I put my mermaid skills to the test and did plenty of laps - got to fit in some exercise there, right? We tried out the sauna and steam room which I could only manage for a few minutes from the heat. Our favourite part was definitely the jacuzzi, the perfect place to chill out and have a catch up.
After chilling in the pool, we headed down to the relaxation area for our much anticipated lunch! As a foodie, I was so impressed with the menu which had lots of healthy options, including a delicious super food salad. When I'm having a spa day, I definitely prefer the choice of healthy, nourishing options. It just doesn't seem to make sense to me to cleanse your skin and mind and then fill your body with unhealthy food. Of course I went for the super food salad of delicious crunchy veggies drizzled in a mustard dressing.  Mum opted for the salmon and Creme Brulee for dessert, which I didn't even manage to get a photo of before she demolished it! I went for the fruit kebabs with a gorgeous mango dipping sauce, yum.
After lunch, it was back upstairs to our private changing room to get ready for our treatments which we had picked out from the Taste of Relaxation package. With this package you choose two treatments with a choice of facials, back massages, body polishes and manicures. Both my mum and I opted for the YTSARA Lawan Facial and YTSARA back, neck and shoulder massage. We were taken into our treatment rooms which were filled with a enchanting aromatherapy scent. Before the facial, the therapist gave a brief consultation to tailor the products to my skin type. I went with YTSARA products as they're 100% natural and I'm definitely someone prone to reactions from new products. I've had quite a few facials in the past but I was really impressed with how thorough my therapist was. It's essential to communicate with your therapist to make sure you get the most out of your treatment! The facial was lovely and left my skin cleansed, glowy and exfoliated.

For the back massage, again the the therapist made sure which pressure I liked which has been a major problem in the past as I'm a complete baby with pain and pressure! She asked me if I had any problem areas so I let her know that I'd been having pain in my right arm and shoulder from typing essays for my degree. She spent some time focusing on this and the relief I felt in my shoulder afterwards was amazing. The massage was just the right amount of pressure to get all the knots and tension out. She also placed a hot bag on my lower back which was so soothing. My mum is way braver with massages than me and went for high pressure - and she came out saying it was the best one she'd ever had!

After our treatments we spent a little bit more time chilling on the recliners and chatting about how much we loved them. There was also make-up and ESPA products on hand to try so we of course took advantage of this! We finished off our day by spending some more time in the pool before heading home, feeling completely pampered and relaxed.

Overall, I really loved the spa and there was nothing I could fault. The staff and beauty therapists were incredible, the facilities were beautiful and lunch was amazing. I would definitely recommend a visit and all of us agreed that we'd come back! The Shire Hotels are part of a large hotel group so if Penrith is miles away from you, be sure to check if there's one near you here.

Are you a fan of spa days? Have you ever visted a Shire hotel?
Lydia Rose,

Thursday, August 6, 2015

Vilamendhoo, Maldives | Part 2

Forever21 Kimono* | Boohoo Swimsuit | Floral Kimono* | Oasis Gandys*

An extremely overdue second instalment in my Maldives holiday posts. Being on Vilamendhoo island is like living in a dream. Waking up to the waves crashing over the steps of the water villa, going on an adventure of the Indian ocean in a Dhoni boat, sipping coconuts on the beach. What I'd do right now to be sprawled in a hammock watching a Maldivian sunset.
For part one go here 

Lydia Rose,

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Too Faced Cocoa Contour Kit | Review

Too Faced Cocoa Contour Kit 

If I had to narrow down the things I love in life, chocolate and contouring would definitely be on the list. An unlikely combination, I know, but Too Faced have got it bang on with this chocolate scented contour kit. With its buttery powders and addictive scent, this has been my go to palette all summer.
I'm forever obsessed with the wonders that contouring and highlighting can work on my face. I have too many contour kits to count, but this one is definitely at the top of my stash. Besides the fact that it smells good enough to eat, this little kit has everything you need for gorgeous, bronzed cheekbones.
'Medium Cocoa' is my dream contour shade, an ashy brown, it gives a definition to the cheekbones that can either be completely understated or built up for an ultra chiseled effect. The difference between 'Fawn' in the Anastasia Beverly Hills kit is only slight, where Anastasia blends out to be more of a HD shadow on the face, the Too Faced powder works more for a bronzed, summery look. 'Dark Cocoa' is a dark brown with an orange undertone, this is definitely too orange on my pale skin to use as a contour shade alone but works beautifully as a bronzer. I sweep it over my contour on a fluffy brush just to darken things up and add more definition. I also used it as an eyeshadow as you can see in the photo and absolutely love the smokey, orange-brown Olsen twin smokey eye it creates.
As for the highlighting powders, I am reaching for 'Light Cocao' over my Anastasia banana powder for brightening all over my face. Seriously, this is a step you just can't miss out as the effect is incredible. Stippled on with a buffing brush, the powder is amazing when applied under the eyes and cheekbones for defining your contour even more. The 'Pop of Highlight' is a really fine milled highlight with chunky bits of glitter which adds a really pretty glimmer to the cheeks. But as a girl who usually ends up looking like a disco ball from overdoing highlighter, the effect just isn't quite enough for me.
At £28.00 for four high quality powders and an angled brush, I think this is an amazing all in one kit. There are a lot of contour kits out there that come with too many shades that you just don't use, but anyone can get full use out of these four powders. Overall I am absolutely in love with this palette and would definitely recommend it to anyone wanting chiseled cheekbones!

Have you tried this? What are your favourite contour products?
Lydia Rose,
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