Wednesday, July 23, 2014


Yesterday I turned 20 (aaagh) so headed up to The Lake District with my mum for an afternoon at Storr's Hall. Here's what we got up to...

Storr's Hall is a Georgian mansion that looks over Lake Windermere. It has a lot of history which you can feel walking around. The interiors are just beautiful, spiralling staircases, huge portraits, and antiques, just quintessentially British. I grew up going to The Lakes with my parents and although I barely live a half hour drive away from Windermere when I'm home from Uni, it's rare I get to go up there as I can't drive! But it's such a beautiful place to be, especially after living in London for a month. London, you're great and everything but you don't have much on The Lake District...
We picked the gazebo to sit in which was right at the end of the grounds with a perfect view. Sipping Pimms and watching boats go by is the perfect way to relax. It makes you feel as though you're on holiday, just half an hour from home.
I didn't want too much as we were heading out for mexican in the evening, so went with the soup. Everything was just too pretty, you didn't even want to eat it! We only ordered scones but the lovely people at Storr's added a few extras for my birthday, so cute. I love macaroons.

My outfit is full Choies; a simple croptop, fishnet skirt and waistcoat. I'm not usually one to wear waistcoats but loved how effortlessly classy it made me feel. I guess being 20 and everything I'm making unconscious attempts at sophisticated dressing. Where's the wrinkle cream?
Storr's Hall is a really magical place, where you can just sit and think, away from distractions. It felt great to go there after such a busy month and clear my head. Afterwards I headed out with family to my favourite restaurant, a Mexican where we live. It's literally a tradition now. We're such locals there that they bring out free tequila. It was an awesome day, roll on the weekend for more birthday cocktails with my friends!

Have you been to The Lake District before? What do you think of this outfit?
Lydia Rose,

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